For me..I hope it's my Faith.
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what what visible."
Hebrews 11:1-3
Most theologians believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Hebrews. In this specific passage Paul is talking about how faith is based on what in unseen. Living by faith.
The "ancients" referred to in this passage are the hebrew patriachs and fathers of faith (ex: Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham). Looking at the definition of assurance, it is a promise or a pledge; full confidence; or freedom from doubt. The definition of commend is to present, mention or praise as worthy of confidence; to entrust or deliver with confidence.
So, what was so special about these people? Their FAITH in God. If you know anything about any of our forefathers or any human beings in the bible, you know that they All went through very difficult circumstances and temptations and, no, they didn't always choose to Listen to and Obey God, but they always Came Back to Him. Even when they didn't have faith and the had hit rock bottom, their overall character and heart was seen by God and He fulfilled His promises. They had unwavering confidence in God. God never promised us a prefect happy, pain-free life, but He did promise us Hope, Future and Unconditional Love. Isn't it frustrating when God calls you to do something or allows certain circumstances in your life?..Of course it is...but imagine what Blessings we have missed out on by not Obeying and doing what is right..pain comes with or without God, but Only God through Jesus Christ can renew your heart, mind and soul and give you Peace.
Back then, and here today, people are commended more for their worldly success. Their worldly value. All the world sees is things such as money, power and appearances. Those men (dont worry :) there were women too) they are, to this day, being used as witnesses to help others draw closer to God.
Stop and Think...
*Will people remember you for your money, good looks, personally, or success? Or will people remember you for your faith in God and, His Son, Jesus Christ? What would you say about yourself at this time in your life? I know this sounds to cliche or "churchy" but we have to think beyond just what is happening right now. As my beautiful mama always reminded me, "the world does not revolve around you." (Love you, Mom <3) We are called to Live Like Jesus did..well, Jesus Loved.
In the times of Abraham, Noah and all the other forefathers of faith, they didn't have the opportunity to have a very intimate relationship with God in the way of communication. Although, how amazing would it be to have God talk to you through a burning bush?! Now, because Jesus died a horrific and brutal death so that we would Not have to die for each sin we have,we are able a deep and intimate relationship with Him?!! We can literally talk to Him Anytime and Anywhere because Jesus intercedes for us now! The Biggest example of God's Grace, Mercy and Love for us...even though we (myself definitely included) are so undeserving. God literally spoke our entire world into existence by simply speaking! He wants us to challenge ourselves by choosing to have faith...nothing good ever comes easy, and with a 2 1/2 year old red headed daughter, don't I know it ;) thats a scary picture isn't it haha. Someone describe her in a perfect way the other day..she is Small but Mighty. So true..and aren't we all a little that way.. to try and apply this more to our lives...
*Is there a situation or circumstance that you have in your life right now that you need to have faith? *Faith that God will fulfill His promises to you?
*Faith that God with protect you and give you everything you Need?
*Faith that He can absolutely Use You and Loves you for who you are?
Right now, as you you sit reading this, think and pray about something that you need to let God take care your family, work, school, heart...or your life completely.
Write it down. Pray about it. Pray for wisdom and strength. Even if you are not 100% willing to trust Him, you can absolutely pray that you would be willing to be willing. I pray that All the time because I can be so stubborn and afraid of letting go that I will just ignore the Holy Spirit instead of trying to seek, listen to and obey Him. Baby Steps. 1-2-3...
I hope and pray that this encourages you and gives you Hope..
You Are Loved...You are Very Important...Your Life in Worth Living...
Thank You So Very much for reading!! Please contact me if you need prayer or have any questions. If I don't know the Answer, we can figure it out together.
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